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10:2 Student Ministry

At the Gathering, we stand with and encourage our youth to know and to grow in their love for Jesus! Our purpose is to come alongside them as they walk through all of the pain and struggles that come with being a teenager and young adult. Bible study starts at 9:30am on Sunday morning, and youth group is on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm.


Whether it's a weekly playdate at the park, coffee and conversation at the local coffee shop, or doing life together, the Gathering women know how to encourage each other in grace and truth. Along with weekly smaller gatherings, we get together once a month to enjoy each other's fellowship.

Worship Ministry

It is our hope that through training up the God-given talents in our church, we would help kindle a desire in the Body that seeks to magnify the glory of God; deepen the knowledge and understanding of God; nurture, lead, and encourage the local body in corporate praise; and help the Gathering Body to offer their heart’s song in spirit and in truth.


SONshine City is a place where the Light is being shown to the youngest generation at the Gathering. Sunday school starts at 9:30am and is open to kids ages birth-5th grade. All of our volunteers go through background checks, because the safety of our children is a top priority! 


The Gathering Men’s Ministry exists to foster a culture of genuine, biblical masculinity, with the purpose of building each other up to become Christ-like servants. We meet several times a month for deep study, conversation, fun and games, and general fellowship!


 The Gathering's Grandparents' goal is to be faithful in praying for our grandchildren and for The Gathering's children. We want to watch for opportunities to point them to Jesus Christ, minister to their families, and impart a legacy of faith to the next generation.

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